Opinions of Tao Chan Wing Chun teachers

Opinions of Tao Chan Wing Chun teachers

Wing Chun Bai Shi
Sifu Jianping Weng, the oldest student of Venerable Chi Sim during a Pre-Ba-Shi-Ceremony with his Sifu Venerable Chi Sim 

Si-Hing Axel Ritzau, 1st Duan teacher level, former sergeant of the German navy

"I've been into martial arts since I was 7 when I saw the series “Kung Fu” on TV for the first time.
In my teens I learned Judo and Taek-Kwon-Do, later during my military service Shaolin Kung Fu and Tai Chi and got to know karate, aikido, thai boxing and tactical fighting methods of our close-combat fighters of the German military.
Several years ago, I learned Wing Chun in a larger organization, and I did like the techniques there. But I realized that some things were being hidden or were being taught only for the payment of additional fees. After 2 years I left that organization, but never stopped dealing with Wing Chun.

I tried my luck in other schools, but found in the trial training neither any appealing part nor the in-depth knowledge that I was looking for. When I found the website of the Tao Chan Wing Chun Organization, I was impressed by the depth with which martial arts were taught and to what extent.

After the trial lessons, I was impressed by Venerable Chi Sim, because he already showed during the trial lessons, that there is more behind the Tao Chan Wing Chun. That's why I brought my son with into his Tao Chan Wing Chun school.
Now I have been in the Tao Chan Wing Chun Organization for 3 years (2017, 1st teacher level) and I have to say that I feel I exceeded my former teachers in the other Wing Chun schools. Of course, the exams are more demanding than anything I've ever encountered, and my knowledge of Tao Chan Wing Chun and martial arts in general has expanded immensely.

I generally feel safer when I walk on the streets and my self-esteem has generally improved. My responsiveness has increased. It's all a step-by-step process that does not reveal itself so clearly at first, but continuous training changes one's abilities, and only in a sudden moment someone became aware of the change.
And Tao Wing Chun even gave me the strength and endurance to quit suddenly smoking."
Si-Hing Ajie Sulistyo, 1st Duan teacher level, Engineer of Chinese descent from Indonesia 

"I planned to train a martial art for a long time. My target was not about fighting, but about improving my health and boosting my self-confidence.

After a long search a suitable style and schools of martial arts, I decided to train Tao Chan Wing Chun. One consideration was simply, that I was not so strong. And, above all, I am not very tall and muscular.

With Tao Chan Wing Chun I got what I wanted for a long time. I learned not only how to "fight", but also the philosophy behind it. The reason why we train martial arts. The goal of a martial art.

From my experience, from the 3rd student level I could say that I can defend myself. At my current level (2017, 1st teacher level) I can say that not only can I defend myself, but also protect my family.

In the meantime, I have become fitter and stronger. Although all I've done is "just" normal exercises, such as: chain punches, repetition, etc. In short, I repeat only what I learned from my Sifu.

As already mentioned: repetition is the key. A football player does the same exercise every day, so he can do the movement without thinking twice. This is also true here, I may not do the same exercise every day, but as often as possible. That's one of the reasons many people say, that Tao Chan Wing Chun is making a positive change. They repeat everything they learned. The discipline to repeat, overcome the inner lazy guy. The result is the gain in confidence and more.

I learnt all this from my Sifu and my Kung Fu brothers. My Sifu showed us the way and it's also a good way. "
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