Test: Are you suitable for us?

Test: Are you suitable for us?

You have decided to take the risk and join a Tao Chan Wing Chun school?

Then you should first check whether you are suitable for it.
However, this does not mean any physical abilities, but spiritual and personality.
So, you should ask yourself the following questions and the more you can reply “yes”, the better suitable you are. If you cannot answer all questions with yes, you will learn this part during the training. 

If, on the other hand, you have a "no" result for most questions, we recommend that you do not go to one of our schools come back to us a few years later when you are ready.

Here the test:

Do you have patience even if this patience must last for several years?
Do you tolerate criticism?
Are you not focused on cheap fees only?
Do you react reasonably when someone criticizes your ego or are you offended?
Can you take responsibility?
Are you ready to do something for other people without benefiting in any way?
Do you have compassion?
Can you forgive?
Do you respect teachers or elders?
Do you react not angry if something does not run after your head?
Are you ready to practice independently at home?
Are you able to organize and plan?
Are you able to listen and not only know what you have heard, but also apply it in daily life?
Are you ready to change your mind when it turns out that your image of Wing Chun, Buddhism, Kung Fu is not real?
Do you let the teacher teach as he considers it correct (or do you expect him to teach a "Wish-what you-want" Kung Fu according the imagination and wishes of the students)?
Are you able to wait for techniques and knowledge until you are ready for it and have learned the prerequisites?
Are you ready to learn from other cultures and philosophies and not see them through western viewpoint only?
Are you ready to stand loyal to your teacher, even if bad rumours about him are told?
Are you able to learn from other philosophies and religions, even if they do not correspond to your current world view?

And the most important question:
Are you able to be taught by a teacher, who does not fit in any dogmas, but acts like a Chan Monk of the Chinese Tang Dynasty in hard-soft, wild-relaxed version?  (In case you should became a direct student of Venerable Chi Sim)

Shaolin Wing Chun monks
Warrior monks of the Buddhist order of Venerable Chi Sim, who defeated Japanese aggressors wanted inviting Japan in the 15th century.
wing chun warrior
Venerable Chi Sim during a war game in Hong Kong. Korean monks don’t underlying any rule not to carry a weapon, but even have to go in South Korea to the compulsory military service. 
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