Tao Chan Wing Chun Genealogy

Tao Chan Wing Chun Genealogy

You can find below the lineage chart of Wing Chun from the traditional point of view as well as the lineage chart of the Tao Chan Wing Chun Organization reuniting the Ip Man Wing Chun lineage with the Shaolin Chan lineage.

For more information on the Wing Chun story or Tao Chan Wing Chun story, please have a look at the menus "Tao Chan Wing Chun" or "Tao Chan Wing Chun features"

Tao Chan Wing Chun Genealogy
The lineage chart of Tao Chan Wing Chun, which unites first time 350 years after the destruction of the South Shaolin temple Ip Man Wing Chun with Chan Buddhism again. 

Wing Chun Genealogy
The traditional lineage chart of the Ip Man Wing Chun.
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